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Power Trowel Blades - Float Pan

SKU: 011766
Regular price $133.99
Floating of the concrete takes place after the screeding is done.  Wait till after the bleed water dissipates and the weight of the operator's footprint leaves no more than an 1/8" depression. This process prepares the concrete for the final finish by knocking down imperfections and pushing the larger aggregates down further into the concrete. The available options for power trowels are float blades, float pans and combination blades.

Float pans, also known as float disk, are circular attachments to the power trowel bottom and will be clipped to the trowel blades. Float blades or float pans are used for the initial step of polishing of the fresh concrete. These disk are widely used as they can give a flatter appearance of the floor and it can increase the productivity during floating.

Float pans have clip angles for the purposes of attaching it to the blades. For the attachment, lay the pan flat to a surface, turn on the power trowel and use a slow rotation for the blades to engage with the float pans. Once the pan is clipped to the blades, it can be use for floating.

Always start the floating perpendicular to the screeding direction and maneuver the trowel perpendicular to the previous direction. Floating in both directions creates a more flat and leveled finish compared to focusing on one direction.

Consider the speed and the number of passes during the floating process. Technically, the number of passes depends on the concrete slump, the admixtures, the weather as well as the desired finish of the slab. Usually, it takes 4 or more passes to get the desired finish. Always consider using the minimum speed during the start so you can control the direction and movement of the power trowel. 

The float pan sizes varies and are sized to fit the power trowel. The diameter can range from 24 to 48 inches and have a gauge from 10 to 12.

Float pans are important because it lessens the bumps and voids on the finished concrete slab, compacts the concrete and aggregates and adjusts the imperfections of the finished slab.