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Planiprep PSC

SKU: 783097
Regular price $36.99

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Planiprep PSC is a fast-drying, cement-based, fiber-reinforced, polymer-modified patch and skimcoating compound designed for preparing concrete and wood substrates for flooring installation.

• High-polymer-modified
• Fiber-reinforced
• Resistant to high moisture
• Fast-drying

• For smoothing and repairing of interior floors before installation of floor finishes

• Do not install over substrates containing asbestos.
• For interior applications only
• Use when the substrate temperature is between 40°F and 90°F (4°C and 32°C).
• Do not use warm or hot water to mix Planiprep PSC.
• Acclimate Planiprep PSC to jobsite temperature conditions before use.
• Do not use in areas prone to hydrostatic pressure.
• Do not apply over standing water.
• Do not install when the moisture vapor emission rate (MVER) exceeds 25 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. (11.3 kg per 92.9 m2) per 24 hours, when using the anhydrous calcium chloride test (ASTM F1869).
• Do not install when the relative humidity (RH) of the concrete slab exceeds 100% (ASTM F2170).
• Use only when the substrate temperature is between 50°F and 90°F (10°C and 32°C).
• Do not install unless the surface temperature of the substrate is 5 degrees F (2.8 degrees C) above the dew point.
• Do not install over any adhesive residues if the concrete slab exhibits high moisture readings.

• Concrete (at least 28 days old) installed per ASTM F710 guidelines
• Cement terrazzo
• Exterior-grade plywood and other approved wood substrates (per the flooring manufacturer’s recommendations)
• Cement-based, self-leveling underlayments and patching compounds
• Properly primed gypsum underlayments that meet the requirements for compressive strength according to ASTM F2419
• Radiant-heat systems that have been properly installed and operating at a surface temperature no higher than 85°F (29°C) Consult MAPEI’s Technical Services Department for installation recommendations regarding substrates and conditions not listed.

• All substrates must be structurally sound, dry, solid and stable.
• Substrate should be clean and free of dust, dirt, oil, grease, paint, curing agents, concrete sealers, loosely bonded toppings, loose particles, old adhesive residues, and any other substance or condition that may prevent or reduce adhesion.
• Concrete substrate must have some open porosity, with an International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) concrete surface profile (CSP) of at least #1.
See the “Surface preparation requirements” reference guide in the Floor Covering Installation Systems section of MAPEI’s Website.

Before product use, take appropriate safety precautions.
Refer to the Safety Data Sheet for details.
1. Pour 1 part of cool, clean, potable water into a clean pail and then add 2 to 2.5 parts of Planiprep PSC powder while slowly stirring. Be sure not to add more than the
maximum amount of water.
2. Mix with a drill (at about 600 to 900 rpm) to a homogenous, lump-free consistency for 1 to 2 minutes. Do not overmix.
3. Do not mix more material than can be applied in up to 15 minutes, depending on temperature and humidity.

Read all instructions thoroughly before installation. Before application, test Planiprep PSC on a small sample area to ensure the desired results.
1. Immediately after mixing, place Planiprep PSC onto the surface and work it in with a flat-edge steel trowel.
2. Trowel to the desired surface finish shortly after placement. CURING AND PROTECTION
• Planiprep PSC is self-curing. Do not use a damp-curing method, or curing or sealing compounds.
• Avoid walking on the installed surface for at least 30 minutes after installation, depending upon temperature and humidity conditions.
• Do not expose Planiprep PSC to rolling dynamic loads, such as forklifts or scissor lifts, for at least 12 hours after installation.

• Wash hands and tools with water promptly before the material hardens. Cured material must be mechanically removed.

Product Performance Properties at 73°F (23°C) and 50% relative humidity

 Laboratory Tests Results
Density (wet) 100 lbs. per cu. ft. (1.60 kg per L)
pH (wet) About 11
VOCs (Rule #1168 of California’s SCAQMD) 0 g per L (calculated)
Compressive strength – ASTM C109 (modified)
4 hours > 1,425 psi (9.83 MPa)
28 days 3,250 psi (22.4 MPa)
Flexural strength – ASTM C348 (modified)
28 days ≥ 855 psi (5.90 MPa)
Shelf life 1 year when stored in original, unopened packaging at
73°F (23°C) in a dry area
Physical state Powder
Color  Light gray

Application Properties at 73°F (23°C) and 50% RH

 Mixing ratio 1 part of water to about 2 to 2.5 parts of Planiprep PSC powder
Application temperature range 40°F to 90°F (10°C to 35°C)
Application thickness Featheredge to 1/2" (12 mm)
Working time* < 15 minutes
Final set (before light foot traffic) at a thickness of 1/4" (6 mm) 30 minutes
Time for installing floor coverings at skimcoat thicknesses < 1/16" (1.5 mm)

30 minutes

Time for installing floor coverings at skimcoat thicknesses > 1/16" (1.5 mm) but < 1/2" (12 mm)

90 minutes

* Working time may vary based on temperature, humidity, substrate porosity, trowel size and jobsite conditions.

Packaging Size
Bag: 10 lbs. (4.54 kg)
Bag: 20 lbs. (9.07 kg)

Approximate Coverage**

 Product Amount Coverage
10 lbs. (4.54 kg) 0.13 cu. ft. (0.0037 m³), or 25 sq. ft. (2.32 m2)
at 1/16" (1.5 mm)
20 lbs. (9.07 kg) 0.26 cu. ft. (0.0074 m³), or 50 sq. ft. (4.65 m2)
at 1/16" (1.5 mm)

** Coverage shown is for estimating purposes only. Actual jobsite coverage may vary according to substrate conditions, type of equipment, thickness applied and application methods used.


Planiprep PSC TDS

Planiprep PSC VOC