Hard Rock Concrete Supplies carries a full range of supplies for the concrete industry. Our range of products includes; Sealers, Cure & Seals, Rebar (Steel and GFRC), Insulation, Support Brackets, Weeping Tile, Patching and Repair Materials; as well as hand and power tools.
Our team prides itself on our customer service, product knowledge, and wide range of quality products and would love the opportunity to talk with you about all of your concrete needs. 

SF-Tec #3 G40 Poly Rebar

SKU: 181403
Regular price $5.20

SF-Tec #3 Poly G40 Rebar is a horizontal use rebar. This SF-Tec #3 G40 rebar is Grey in Colour and is engineered for flatwork and is a non-structural bar that is coated with a polyester coating. It is made with a corrosion proof glass to help reinforce your concrete with a superior grade product. 

It is rust proof and will help to eliminate spalling and corrosion cracks. This rebar will last for generations with an easy and quick installation.  SF-Tec #3 G40 bar is lighter than steel rebar and will save in transportation and installation costs..  SF-Tec #3 Poly G40 Rebar should not be used in areas where standing water is prevalent. This rebar is stamped with it's rating.

For Conrete Reinforcement

FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer) is a composite material made of a polymer matrix reinforced with fibers. The fibers are usually glass (in fiberglass), basalt, carbon, or aramid. The polymer is usually an epoxy, vinyl ester, or polyester thermosetting plastic. 

FRP bar has been developed as a non-corrosive alternative to steel for concrete reinforcement. FRP bar is suitable for any structural or architectural application where a material that is corrosion resistant, lightweight, or non-conductive is required. 

FRP bar is the ideal solution for concrete reinforced projects, such as bridges, barrier walls, decks, diaphragm walls (soft eye), tunnel segments, garages, pavements, Wharfs, sea walls, wave breakers retaining walls and fence systems.

Comparison Snapshot BFRP Steel GFRP Stainless Steel
Strength +2.5X Traditional +2.0X Traditional
Weight 1/4X Heavy 1/4X Heavy
Carbon Footprint Low Bad Low Bad
Conductivity No Yes No Yes
Saltwater Deterioration No 1 Day No 2-5 years
Easy to Transport Bar or Coil Heavy, Long & Bends Bar or Coil Heavy, Long & Bends

GFRP Rebar Properties

Designation of bars Nominal cross-sectional area
Guaranteed tensile strength Tensile Modulus of elasticity Transverse shear strength
(CSA S807 Table 1)
(CSA S807 Table 1)
(ASTM D7205) (ASTM D7205) (ASTM D7617)
Designated Diameter in mm mm2
MPa GPa kN
6 32 1105 46-70 7
8 50 1050 46-70 23
10 71 1002 46-70 31
13 129 981 46-70 54
15 199 960 46-70 79
20 284 898 46-70 109
22 387 877 46-70 156
25 510 843 46-70 188
30 645 796 46-70 202
32 819 758 46-70 220
35 1006 722 46-70 223
  • Tensile properties were calculated using nominal cross-sectional areas.
  • The designers should contact the bar manufacturer for the latest updates of this technical data sheet

Sustainability Comparison Table

SFT-Bar® Steel
Production 43% less CO2 Emissions High CO2 Emissions
Transport Fewer construction freight High construction freight
Service Life Long (resistance to corrosion) Short due to corrosion

Comparison table

Cost and Performance comparison SFT-GFRP rebar Black steel rebar Epoxy coated rebar (ECR) Galvanized steel rebar Stainless steel rebar
Cost comparison
Life Cycle Advantage Longer +++++ Short Longer+ Longer++ Longer++
Initial cost of material Grade I – comparable to black steel rebar
Grade II – Comparable to Epoxy coated rebar
None High High Higher ++
Transport savings Yes No No No No
Concrete cover savings Possible No Possible Possible Possible
Labor & Injury Savings during installation Yes No No No No
Corrosion Resistance
Corrosion risk profile No Very High Yes Possible Low
Contact corrosion/ Corrosion at bends No Yes Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible
Cathodic protection needed No Yes Limited to coating Susceptible Susceptible
Acid rain, Acid soils, marshes No Yes Limited to coating Susceptible Susceptible
Rust Expansion/Rust staining No Yes Limited to coating Susceptible Susceptible
Alkali in concrete No Yes Limited to coating Susceptible Susceptible
Chloride, Sulphide stress corrosion No Yes Limited to coating Susceptible Susceptible
Mechanical Advantages
Thermal Insulator Yes Poor Poor Poor Poor
Electrical Insulator/ Non-Magnetic Yes Poor Poor Poor Poor
Weight 1/4 1 1 1 1
Long term bond concrete Excellent Poor Good Poor Good
Tensile Properties Excellent Okay Good Good Excellent


GFRP Comparison Table

MST #3 SF-Tec #3 Poly SF-TEC #3 G50
E, (Gpa) 45 55 60
A, (mm²) 71 71 71
Coating Vinyl Ester Polyester Vinyl Ester
Colour Sea Blue Tea Green White Green
Master Bundle 200 200 200
Sub Bundle 25 20 0
Origin Canada China China
Application Guideline
Horizontal               Y              Y              Y
Vertical                  Y
Structural                  Y
Aqueous Conditions              Y                Y
High Impact Resistance              Y                Y

Due to the bulkiness of this product, these must be shipped by LTL Carrier.  This incurs extra charges that you will be notified about before these are shipped.


G40 Poly Bar Technical Data Info

G40 Poly Bar SDS