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EM Treat

SKU: 935601
Regular price $114.99

EM Treat is a powerful, detergent-based solution, effective for use on multi-surface efflorescence and mineral deposits. Ideally formulated for most masonry surfaces; use applications include block, brick, mortar, cast concrete, colored concrete, synthetic stone and architectural concrete. EM Treat can also be used to remove mineral deposits on surfaces such as stone, fiber-glass, plastic, vinyl, glass and many other materials.

Suitable Substrates: The following substrates have been tested and, under standard conditions, deemed appropriate. However, pretesting is always recommended prior to job commencement. While the list is extensive, it is not all encompassing.

-          clay brick

-          concrete brick

-          glazed brick

-          buff brick

-          red brick

-          CMU

-          concrete pavers

-          precast concrete

-          split faced block

-          burnished block

-          ground faced block

-          hardscape, limestone

-          natural stone

-          stone veneer

-          colored mortar

Application Equipment:

For Large Projects:

-       Pressure washer, 3- 6 gallon per minute(GPM) with chemical pick-up attachment

-       GP High Draw Injector Kit. KIT # 5913 -2.1mm 3-5GPM or equivalent

For smaller areas or spot treatment

-       Pump sprayer with Viton Seals

-       Spray bottle

Miscellaneous Equipment

-       Metal scraper

-       Wet vac

-       Squeegee

-       Plastic sheeting for covering items needing protection

-       Duct tape

-       Painters tape

-       Rubbing stone

-       Garden hose(s) and nozzle



Always wear goggles and chemical resistant gloves when handling this product. Read the Safety Data Sheet for additional safety and health hazard information prior to use. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Do not wear contact lenses when using this product. If material comes in contact with clothing, wash before re-use. Do not dilute this product with any other product except clean water. Do not use any application other than specified in the application instructions. Keep container closed when not in use. Use with adequate ventilation. Use NIOSH/ MSHA approved respiration devices when adequate ventilation is not available. Though the potential for fuming is minimal, take precautions to avoid exposing building occupants to fumes. Do not remove the label from the container. Dispose of empty containers in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements.

Application Instructions:

Application for “Non-Sensitive” Substrates.

For professional use only.


Avoid contact with most metals.

Suitability Sample: ALWAYS TEST AN INCONSPICUOS AREA FORSUITABILITY PRIOR TO FULL SCALE CLEANING. Testing will confirm substrate compatibility to the cleaner and cleaning process. DO NOTAPPLY IF SUBSTRATE DAMAGE OCCURS.


1.       Areas subjected to heat or direct sunlight should be cooled with water prior to application.

2.       DO NOT dilute, use as supplied.

3.       On vertical surfaces, begin application from the top of the wall working down. On horizontal surfaces begin application from the top of a hill or slope if one exists.

4.       Apply EM Treat at the predetermined rate of application based on your suitability sample. Coverage rates will depend on the surface which is being cleaned. Expect 100-150 sq. ft. on porous substrates, and 150-250 sq. ft. on non-porous/denser substrates.

5.       Apply product to surface and allow to dwell 3-5 minutes. Do not allow to dry on surface. Reapply as necessary to maintain the 3–5-minute dwell time. Dwell time will be determined by substrate and environmental conditions.

6.       Do not rinse until it is determined if a second application is required.

7.       Check area using a stiff bristle brush to determine if a second application is required. If area comes clean from first application, rinse with clean water either from a garden hose or pressure washer. Rinse from the top of the area treated downward.

8.       If the area requires a repeat application, do not rinse between coats. Apply product directly on top of previously applied product.

9.       Areas with heavy buildup of efflorescence or mineral deposits may require the use of a scraper or rubbing stone to break up the deposit. Spot treating these areas with a spray bottle and EM Treat will aid in removal of heavy deposits.

10.   If using a pressure washer, use caution to not damage the surface that is being cleaned.

Once satisfied with cleanliness of the surface and to prevent further development of efflorescence, apply PRO Tek Concrete to all masonry surfaces where efflorescence was occurring. Read complete TDS before applying product to sensitive substrates.

Storage Store product in a cool, dry place away from caustic-based materials. Vent the bung prior to opening completely. Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Wash thoroughly after handling. For best results, liquid should be 32° F or higher prior to use.

In Case of Contact or Exposure

EYES: Flood with water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention.

SKIN: Wash off with soap and water. Use a good emollient. If irritation develops, seek medical attention. INGESTION: Drink lots of water to dilute. Do not induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention. INHALATION: Move to fresh air. Call physician and seek medical attention if irritation develops.


Packaging: 1-gallon jug; 5-gallon pail; 55-gallon drum; 275-gallon tote


Disclaimer: The information herein is given in good faith, but no warranty, either expressed or implied is made. Final determination of the suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot be sure or guarantee these are the only hazards which exist.


EM Treat TDS