Hard Rock Concrete Supplies carries a full range of supplies for the concrete industry. Our range of products includes; Sealers, Cure & Seals, Rebar (Steel and GFRC), Insulation, Support Brackets, Weeping Tile, Patching and Repair Materials; as well as hand and power tools.
Our team prides itself on our customer service, product knowledge, and wide range of quality products and would love the opportunity to talk with you about all of your concrete needs. 

Quick Release (QR3250)

SKU: 240605
Regular price $98.00

The number of units will automatically be added to your cart. This product is sold by the unit. The quantity added to the Cart will reflect the square footage of the number of units that are required for your project.

QUICK RELEASE contains ingredients that physically repel both water and concrete, as well as chemically active compounds that react with lime present in fresh concrete, to yield a releasing compound directly on the form surface.


  • Can be used on most form surfaces except foam and soft rubber forms.


  • Very economical
  • Provides a crisp positive release.
  • Reduces form cleaning and maintenance costs. Forms become self-cleaning with continued use.
  • Resists removal by foot traffi c and rain.
  • Can be used on forms that have been previously treated with competitive form oils.
  • Surpasses performance requirement of US Corps of Engineers, GSA and Bureau of Reclamation specifications for nonstaining form oil.
  • Ready to use - requires no dilution.
  • Low odor
  • Can be stored at below freezing temperatures.
  • Good cold weather sprayability. ASTM D97 pour point: -30° (-34° C).
  • For extreme cold temperatures, use one of Nox-Crete’s form release agents designed for low temperature applications.
  • Can be applied up to three weeks in advance of concrete pour.
  • Treated forms can be stacked promptly.
  • Protects metal and wood forms from weather damage prior to pour.
  • Will not stain concrete surfaces and concrete can be painted with proper surface preparation.
  • Use to coat concrete mixing and placing equipment to prevent concrete splatter and accumulation of buildup.


  • Not generally recommended for use in architectural concrete applications. Use one of Nox-Crete’s form release agents designed for architectural applications.


  • Request current product literature, labels and safety data sheets from manufacturer and read thoroughly before product use.
  • Site environmental conditions, substrate conditions and construction have a major eff ect on product selection, application methods, procedures and rates, appearance and performance. Product literature provides general information applicable to some conditions. However, an adequate site test application by the purchaser or installer in advance of field scale use is mandatory (irrespective of any other verbal or written representations) to verify that product and quantities purchased can be satisfactorilyapplied and will achieve desired appearance and performance under intended use conditions.
  • Application rates necessary to optimize performance vary with the form surface condition, porosity, concrete buildup (if any), concrete composition, concrete curing time, and temperatures.
  • Typical application rate range on an absorptive plywood surface is 600-800 sf / gal. (15-20 sm / L). Typical application rate on non-absorptive plywood surfaces is 1,500 sf / gal. (37 sm / L).
  • Can be applied by all conventional methods, but spray application is highly recommended. 
  • Apply to clean, reasonably dry forms using care to prevent contact with reinforcing steel.
  • Avoid puddles, runs and excessive spray drift.
  • Treat form brackets, tie rods, concrete buckets, shoring and scaff olding daily or as required to soften existing concrete buildup and prevent future accumulations.
  • Clean application equipment with mineral spirits


Color, ASTM D2300 0.5
Clarity Clear
Odor Mild
Flash Point >200° F (83.3° C)
Bulk Density 7.4 lbs./gal. (.833 kg/L)
VOC <250 g/L
Packaged in 5 gal (19 L) pails,
55 gal (208 L) drums and
275 gal (1,041 L) totes.


Shelf life is two years. Use before the “USE BY” date stated on product packaging.

Store in a dry location at a temperature below 100° F (38° C).


Quick Release TDS

Quick Release SDS